
Our goal is to engage our colleagues through various methods of professional interaction to inspire educational approaches that support creativity, agency, inquiry, and culture.

Since effective professional development requires a community of scholars, many thanks to those who put time and effort into crafting presentations and discussions that spark interest for the Professional Activity Days. Likewise, thank you to those who participate with an open mind. Lastly, a round of applause for all of us who show up and do our best not only for our students but for ourselves as well.

In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we hope that you will use this website as your guide. Please find the schedule, session descriptions, lunch menu and other pertinent details by clicking on each tab.  With that in mind, we will have limited copies of the schedule and session descriptions available at the check-in table. See the link below for the document.

PA Days Session Descriptions and Schedule

We thought you might like to know…

In early Fall 2019, the CTE sent out a survey to all LCC faculty to learn about faculty needs and preferences for professional development. Here is what we learned…

Topics of interest:

66%       Student Engagement

63%       Creating a Motivational Classroom

55%       Characteristics of Community College Students

43%       Human Presence in Online Learning

38%       Accessibility & Univeral Design for Learning

38%       Assessment (Classroom)

34%      Inclusion & Equity

32%       OER & Open Learning

30%       Classroom Management & Disruptive Behavior

30%       Interpreting Argos & Other Data

Preferred Formats

83%       Face-to-Face Workshops

46%       Online, Self-paced

9%          Large Group

N=80 (Total Faculty Responses)

 By the way

We created this website and all of the Open Online Courses using WordPress. The interactive pieces, like quizzes and multiple choice questions, were created using h5p  software (h5pwebsite), which is remarkably user-friendly. Please visit the CTE, or give us a call (517-483-1680) so we can show you how to create engaging, accessible, inclusive materials in WordPress.

From all of us,
Thank you.

A group of people smiling for a photo