
Welcome to Professional Activity Days January 2021!

Welcome and Happy New Year! We are happy to present you with a variety of rich content and live sessions.

Our Goal

Our goal is to engage our colleagues through various methods of professional interaction to inspire educational approaches that support creativity, agency, inquiry, and culture. Effective professional development not only requires a community of scholars, but also one that cares.

Session Formats

There are three types of sessions and each have their own space on the PA days website:

  • Live: Each live session post contains the WebEx link. These will not be repeated, but may be recorded (see Recordings below).
  • Hybrid: These sessions will have materials for exploration on Day 1 and then a live session for follow-up on Day 2. The materials and WebEx links are provided in each session post.
  • Asynchronous: A wide variety of asynchronous content is provided- each in individual posts. Many of these will take longer than an hour to peruse, so we will leave the website up indefinitely for your convenience.


The General Assembly session on Wednesday morning will be recorded and posted on the website as soon as it is ready. Other concurrent sessions may be recorded at the discretion of the facilitator and sent to the CTE to be posted on the website as soon as we can get those ready.

The CTE will send out an email when all the recorded sessions are available so you will be able to explore at your convenience.


We would like to give shout-outs to many people who contributed to brainstorming, collaborating, organizing, implementing- you get the idea. The Meeting of the Minds work group began meeting last February to plan the May 2020 PA days, but then we were rudely interrupted by Covid-19. We did the best we could jumping to an all-virtual May PA days and the group convened twice again this past fall. These thoughtful folks are:

Jeff Janowick
Barb Clauer
John Tenbrink
Jim Luke
Martha Madigan
Cynthia Thomas
Lisa Nienkark
Cheryl Garayta
Martha Madigan
Joe Esquibel
Annescia Dillard
Suzanne Bernsten
Amy Larson
Also, Patrick Butcher and Media Services

We give an enormous thank you to all who contributed materials and who are facilitating live sessions over the next two days. We are thrilled to hear from our very own experts at LCC! Your time and effort are appreciated.

PA Days Theme

Before creating this website, the CTE unofficially put the word out asking suggestions for a name/theme for our PA days. As you can see, we finally decided on Reflecting and Moving Forward, but we thought you may get a chuckle from some of the other submissions:

2021 Unmasked
2021 Distance Unites Us
2021 Alone Together Closer than Ever
2020 in the Rearview Mirror
Making History
Face-to-Face, Virtually
A Shot Towards Normal
2021 I Think My Office Plants are Dead (best for last!)

As always, thank you for participating in Professional Activity Days. We are thankful for our LCC community.

Yours in Teaching and Learning,

Center for Teaching Excellence

Online Code of Conduct

Please check out this Online Code of Conduct, which has been adapted from an Open Education conference—and feel free to adapt it if you’d like to add it to your syllabi.