Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Pedagogy of Equity (POE) 

What is this document?

This is the syllabus. 

What is this course about?

In this transformative course, a collaborative approach is used to model various teaching and learning strategies. Our teaching philosophy is encapsulated in the following anonymous quote: “If we don’t model what we teach, we are teaching something else.” We will focus on intentional inclusive pedagogical design and building critical community into our classrooms and work spaces. With increased access to higher education, our classrooms and work spaces include multiple dimensions of diversity. Intentionally designing inclusive pedagogy and building critical communities that embrace diversity aims to engage students in learning that is meaningful, relevant, and accessible. In atmospheres such as this, students are more likely to thrive and persist.

Participants will examine their own practices and learn how to apply concepts and strategies from the course to their own work and learning environments. This course builds on the LCC Let’s Get Working Campaign, which is a part of the Equity Action Plan. Participants’ action plans will address relevant pillars: Let’s Get Working 5 Areas of Focus. Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be sent to each participant.

This is a pass/fail course that requires ORT meetings and weekly discussions as well as opportunity for reflection, analysis, and creation of an action plan with artifacts, based on course concepts, for implementation. Participants complete a diagnostic to guide this action plan. The intention of this course is to explore, experience, and reflect upon current teaching and learning practices, providing a foundation for applying diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles in the classroom.   

NOTE 1: While this course is online, it is not self-paced. 

NOTE 2: Feel free to adapt materials in this course for your courses.

Who is my instructor? 

Hello!  You get two for the price of one! =) 

Megan Lin Cartoon picture of white woman with curly blonde hair.

and Lisa Nienkark Cartoon picture of Lisa Nienkark's alter ego: penguin furiously clicking the computer mouse.  

Our office is in TLC 3210 in the Center for Teaching Excellence. We are happy to talk with you via phone, email, live chat, WebEx, and/or in person. To learn more about us, please click this link.

How can I contact Megan and Lisa? 

Please email or call  to set up an appointment.  The office phone is 517-483-1408. Megan’s email is and Lisa’s is  The best way to reach us is via email. We will respond to your emails, phone calls as quickly as we can. Please expect a response within 24 hours M-F, regular business hours.

What is the purpose of this course?

We recognize that each participant  comes to this course with a wealth of knowledge and experiences about the learning environment.

Course Goals: 

  1. Support faculty as reflective practitioners.
  2. Model inclusive practices through accessible course materials, multiple modes of interaction, and student-centered reflection.

Course Outcomes: 

Please open this link to see POE Framework of Alignment for Learner Outcomes

  1. Examine pedagogical philosophies, methodologies, teaching practices, and educational technology within diversity, equity, and inclusion principles to apply in discipline-specific courses.
  2. Apply appropriate pedagogical philosophies, methodologies, teaching practices, and educational technology within diversity, equity, and inclusion principles in one’s discipline-specific course or program.
  3. Design materials, activities, practice, routines, and/or communication structures that foster a learning environment that promotes equity, a sense of belonging, and confronts bias while increasing cultural competence.

Where do I buy my textbook?! 

All needed materials will be provided here on the WordPress site. 

What technology or technology skills do I need? 

You need regular access to the Internet, a reliable web browser, word-processing software, Adobe Reader (up-to-date), Webex, and a web camera/microphone (on your computer or phone).  The class also requires some basic technical skills, such as basic computer skills, basic D2L knowledge (such as submitting assignments and using discussion boards), and ability to access and join Webex meetings). 

What do I need to do each week?

The content for each week (module)  will open on Thursday mornings. You can view the Course Calendar here. 


ORT Class sessions

  • Entry Tickets: You will come to each virtual class session with an “entry ticket.” This is a small, 2.5 point assignment that connects you to the readings, videos, etc. for that week and helps prepare you for a class activity. 
  • Exit Tickets: At the end of each class session, you will participate in an exit ticket to capture your engagement and learning. You must be present in the class session to complete the exit ticket. We will try out a variety of these over the course of the 9 weeks! Each exit ticket is worth 2.5 points. 

In addition: 

  • participate in WebEx chat or verbal comments/discussion during ORT

NOTE: All ORT chats will be saved for participation grading purposes, and then deleted.

Peer to Peer Participation

  • comments on Units 1 through 6 topics (WordPress); one comment per topic for a total of 6 comments
  • comments in Padlet that respond to colleagues; a minimum of 10 comments that are responses to three or more colleagues

Additionally, in order to earn a “P”, the following Application activities need to be completed on or before the assigned due dates:

      • Diagnostic Course/Program Analysis Report
      • Padlet comprised for information and resources for topics addressed in Units 1 through 6
      • Action Plan with artifacts

Participation is 30% of the overall grade and Application is 70% of the overall grade.

Can procrastinators successfully complete this course?

Late Assignments:  You are expected to complete and submit all assignments, and participate in learning activities.  It is your responsibility to contact the facilitator if you must miss a due date and to submit a new proposal for a due date(s) for the facilitator’s approval. Missing a scheduled activity does not relieve the participant of the responsibility for completing all work assigned.

Please note: 

  1. There is no penalty for late work
  2. Your facilitators approach this late policy with a generosity of spirit. However, regardless of the circumstances, this work must be submitted by the end of the semester in which the course takes place. 

Is there extra credit?  (Asking for a friend)

There is no extra credit available for this course.

How am I being assessed?

This course is graded on the P/Z grading system. In order to earn a passing grade, the Action Plan with artifacts’ grade must be 70%+.  Additionallly, P = 70%+  in both the participation and application categories is needed for a passing grade.  Z = No Credit.  Previous FAQ sections provide the details of these categories.

What can I expect of the facilitators and what do they expect of me and the class?

  • Class Expectations- determined by the class on first meeting date
  • Things You Should Expect from Facilitators
  • Things Facilitators Should Expect from You

What do I need to know about Netiquette?

Netiquette (or network etiquette) is commonly defined as a set of principles developed to express courtesy and help people communicate appropriately while sending e-mail and using the Internet. Facilitator and course participants alike will demonstrate netiquette and civility whenever interacting with each other.

Consider anything said in the public forums (Web-based applications explored in this course, our discussion forums, and when giving feedback to other participants) to be public information. Do not post comments that may be considered controversial, abrasive, in poor taste, or may reveal too much personal information – protect your privacy.

Please familiarize yourself with this Course Code of Conduct and also feel free to use and/or modify it for your own courses.

For more suggestions, see Tips for Communicating Online/ Netiquette.

What is the Attendance/Withdrawal Policy?

If you are unable to complete an assignment, discussion or you are unable to attend a live session, please let your facilitator know.  If a participant does not participate and is not participating fully to meet the necessary to requirements of the course, they will receive notification from the facilitator. A mutual discussion will ensue to determine whether or not the participant will remain in the course. If deemed necessary by the facilitator or the Director of the CTE, the participant may be removed from the TLTT course site. No further work will be accepted. A “withdrawal” will be noted in the CTE database and the participant will be required to reapply to take this course at a future offering of the course.

If a participant decides (for whatever reason they deem necessary) that they cannot meet the requirements of the course, the participant will notify the facilitator, and he/she will be removed from the TLTT course site. No further work will be accepted. A “withdrawal” will be noted in the CTE database and the participant will be required to reapply to take this course at a future offering of the course.

Does LCC have a Land Acknowledgement?

Lansing Community College occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples.  In particular, the City of Lansing and LCC reside on land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw. 

 While all of our campuses are beautiful and inviting, we remember that we are guests as we walk on Mother Earth.  As we delight in the sounds of the Grand River, we remember that this waterway has been used by the original inhabitants of this land daily for farming and transportation between Portland and Okemos.

We would like to take a moment to acknowledge our relationship to Indigenous communities, especially as we examine our relationship to our Indigenous faculty, staff, and students and their contributions to the LCC Community.  Each day as we walk on each of our campuses, we remember that similar footsteps were walked along these same paths for generations before us. 

As we honor those who have walked these paths before us and the seven generations to come, we reflect on how we honor them in our interactions with Indigenous communities, the land, and all of humankind.


What is LCC’s Nondiscrimination Statement?

Lansing Community College is committed to providing equal employment opportunities and equal education for all persons regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, creed, ancestry, height, weight, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, familial status, marital status, military status, veteran’s status, or other status as protected by law, or genetic information that is unrelated to the person’s ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position or that is unrelated to the person’s ability to participate in educational programs, courses services or activities offered by the college.


The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Equal Opportunity Officer, Washington Court Place, 309 N. Washington Square Lansing, MI 48933, 517-483-1730; Employee Coordinator 504/ADA, Administration Building, 610 N. Capitol Ave. Lansing, MI 48933, 517-483-1875; Student Coordinator 504/ADA, Gannon Building, 411 N. Grand Ave. Lansing, MI 48933, 517-483-1885; Sarah Velez, Human Resource Manager/Title IX Coordinator, Administration Building, 610 N. Capitol Ave. Lansing, MI 48933, 517-483-1874; Christine Thompson, Student Title IX Coordinator, Gannon Building, 411 N. Grand Ave. Lansing, MI 48933, 517-483-1261.

What are the topics and course schedule?

Unit 1: Introduction & Inclusive Language   

Thurs., Sept.1, 2022 Course is open and available 

Thurs., Sept.8, 2022 @ 2-3pm   JOIN ORT (Required)

Unit 2: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Thurs., Sept.15, 2022 @ 2-3pm  JOIN ORT  (Required)

Unit 3: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Globalization of Curriculum                              

Thurs., Sept.22, 2022 @ 2-3pm  JOIN ORT  (Required)

Unit 4: Inclusive Pedagogical Engagement and Delivery

Thurs. Sept.29, 2022 @ 2-3pm   JOIN ORT  (Required)

Unit 5: Pedagogy of Care & Critical Community

Thurs., Oct.6, 2022 @ 2-3pm    JOIN ORT  (Required)

Unit 6: DEI Principles in Assessment & Evaluation

Thurs., Oct.13, 2022 @ 2-3pm   JOIN ORT (Required)

Unit 7: Putting Together the Pieces

Thurs., Oct.20, 2022 @ 2-3pm  JOIN ORT  (Required)

Unit 8: Action Plan 

Thurs., Oct.27, 2022 @ 2-3pm  JOIN ORT  (Required)

Unit 9:  Last Class:

Thurs., Nov. 3, 2022@ 2-3pm JOIN ORT   (Required)