
Lansing Community College sign, outdoors with sun shining through treesWelcome to Lansing Community College’s Professional Activity Days May 2021!

Welcome and congratulations on completing a successful semester! For PA days, we are happy to present you with a variety of rich content and live sessions.

Our Goal

Our goal is to engage our colleagues through various methods of professional interaction to inspire educational approaches that support creativity, agency, inquiry, and culture. Effective professional development not only requires a community of scholars, but also one that cares.

Event Format

Both Wednesday and Thursday mornings begin with General Assembly (College-wide) sessions that will occur in WebEx, which now accommodates 1000 participants. There will be no YouTube live stream.

There are live sessions and prerecorded content, each have their own space on the PA days website. For each concurrent session time slot, you may choose to attend either a live or view prerecorded content (they are listed in different tabs on the home page for convenient navigation.

  • Each live session is posted individually and contains the WebEx link. These will not be repeated but may be recorded (see Recordings below).
  • All prerecorded content is posted individually and contains the recording in the post. Feel free to access the prerecorded content during any of the concurrent session time slots.
  • Breaks are placed intentionally, so please be sure to look away from the screen, stretch your body, and take care of yourself as needed.


The General Assembly, Keynote, and most concurrent sessions will be recorded and posted on the website as soon as they are ready. The CTE will send out an email when all the recorded sessions are available so you will be able to explore at your convenience. This website will stay up indefinitely so you can revisit.


Our sincerest thanks to all who contributed during collaboration and brainstorming sessions, and of course to Patrick Butcher for setting up the General Assembly and Keynote sessions.

Also, a special thank you to Jim Luke, who has taught so many of us how to create websites so that we may continue in the vein of innovative teaching and learning!

We give an enormous thank you to all who contributed materials, recordings, and who are facilitating live sessions over the next two days. We are thrilled to hear from our very own experts at LCC! Your time and effort is appreciated.

PA Days Theme: Radical Hope

We believe our LCC community shares a hope for a bright future, big with conscious change, and a common goal of personal and professional progress for ourselves and our students. We know you will find golden nuggets during the Keynote presentation by Dr. Kevin Gannon, based on his book, Radical Hope.

As always, thank you for participating in Professional Activity Days. We are thankful for our LCC community.

Yours in Teaching and Learning,

The Center for Teaching Excellence

Photo Credit: Most photos are courtesy of Kevin Fowler, and were taken at various LCC locations.

Online Code of Conduct

Please check out this Online Code of Conduct, which is a compilation that has been adapted from several online conferences and modified by the CTE. Feel free to use, adapt, and/or modify it if you’d like to add it to your syllabi.

Please give us constructive feedback here Professional Activity Days – May 2021 Feedback Survey