Characteristics of Community College Students

“Every generation is shaped and defined by their experiences, which lead to different beliefs, attitudes and sensitivities, which lead to varying expectations, values and methods of interacting with others.”  -Centre for Teaching and Learning, Georgian University

Agenda for ORT 2/3/22

  • JOIN TLTT Week 2 ORT on Thurs., Feb.3, 2022 @ 6-7:30pm
  • Danielle- Community-building activity
  • Megan- TLTT Spring 2022 Expectations
  • Megan- Self Assessment
  • Megan- Brief review of material
  • Guest: Dr. Cheryl Garayta, Director of Academic Quality
  • Q & A
  • Danielle- “Waterfall”: 6-word memoir
  • Next week


Each week please explore the weekly post- clicking on each hyperlink-  before we meet for our ORT.

We know our community college student body is a diverse group; let’s dig deeper to learn more about who our students are. Before navigating through this week’s post, please complete this self-assessment:  TLTT Characteristics of Community College Students_2021 You can download it or print it out, then please bring it to this week’s ORT session. This is a way to activate prior knowledge and get us on track for thinking about some of the characteristics of our students.

When we meet this week, we will have Cheryl Garayta, LCC’s Director of Academic Quality, joining us to discuss her presentation Cheryl Garayta’s presentation on Characteristics of Community College Students. Please go through her presentation before we meet, noting any questions or comments you may have so we can discuss during class. Cheryl created this interactive presentation using H5P software (we will learn more about this in upcoming weeks).

This AACC_2021_FastFacts infographic presents all kinds of statistics about community colleges and students and the information about the community college sizes and where LCC rates is quite interesting as well.

According to this article About GenZ, “One-in-ten eligible voters in the 2020 electorate will be part of a new generation of Americans – Generation Z. Born after 1996, most members of this generation are not yet old enough to vote, but as the oldest among them turn 23 (or 24) this year, roughly 24 million will have the opportunity to cast a ballot in the next election(s). And their political clout will continue to grow steadily in the coming years, as more and more of them reach voting age.”

So what does Genz in the workplace look like and is there any helpful information in this article? Please scroll to the bottom of the article for a brief comparison of some characteristics of the last several generations.

Our upcoming college students, Generation Alpha.

JOIN TLTT Week 2 ORT on Thurs., Feb.3, 2022 @ 6-7:30pm






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