Learning from Each Other Assignment

Part 1: Create and Submit: Due Thursday, March 24, 2022 in the Week 8 D2L Discussion

Part 2: Respond to your Colleagues: Due Monday, March 28, 2022 in Week 8  D2L Discussion

400 Words Assignment

Due before class on Mar. 31.  Remember that you will need to make a Writing Center appointment as part of this assignment. The Writing Center will remain open until Sat. Mar. 5 and reopen Mon., Mar. 14 after spring break.

Effective Assessments

“Accountability makes no sense when it undermines the larger goals of education.”  ~ Diane Ravitch, Author

Questions to keep in mind while you’re navigating through this post:

  • How are the ideas and information connected to what you already knew?
  • What new ideas did you get that broadened your thinking or extended it in different directions?
  • What challenges or puzzles emerge for you?

Assessment at LCC

Dr. Karen Hicks is the Director of Assessment of the Center for Data Science at LCC. She offers offers regular drop-in Assessment Help Office Hours. In addition, the Committee for Assessing Student Learning (CASL) is one of our Academic Senate standing committees.

Assessment Ideas and Resources

Take a look at the following resources to get a general sense of assessment and some ideas to try:

What about rubrics?

Explore these different takes on the usefulness of rubrics:

Assessment and grading go hand in hand… or do they?

To stir things up a bit, Jesse Stommel says, “The work of teaching shouldn’t be reduced to the mechanical act of grading or marking. Our talk of grading shouldn’t be reduced to our complaining about the continuing necessity of it. If you’re a teacher and you hate grading, stop doing it.” Please read what else he says about Ungrading.

Now that you’ve had time to explore, be sure to hop over to this week’s Week 6 FlipGrid to share! (Due by Mon., Mar.6)