Agenda for ORT 2/24/22

We have two topics this week: Student Engagement and Classroom Management, so there are plenty of materials to explore! : )

Student Engagement

And it’s that human experience we need to not only acknowledge but rely on now.  -Sean Michael Morris

Student Engagement, often poses the question, “what can I do to get my students to be engaged, involved…or care?” Perhaps you have more questions along these lines, or maybe you have answers to share with all of us! 🙂 As a place for us to begin, please  Small Teaching Reprised with James Lange  ( Transcript here)      and then check out the presentation below (created for Professional Activity days in 2020).

I referenced this article How to Make Your Teaching More Engaging by Sarah Rose Cavanagh in my presentation. It’s a rich resource!

FYI: This is the author of the quote that was included in my presentation- Michael Tomasello, a psychology professor at Duke University, said, “Human thinking is individual improvisation enmeshed in a sociocultural matrix.”

Engaging Activity Ideas to Promote Active Learning

Click on the links for an explanation and more details. You may currently use some of these, but if not, you may find one or more of these to be something you may decide to try in your teaching work.

Another Engaging Activities Resource

Active Learning Strategies from Cal State

Classroom Management and Addressing Disruptive Behavior

“Civility costs nothing, and buys everything.”   ~Mary Wortley Montagu
For materials on this topic, we used to use a document on Disruptive Behavior that the CTE compiled, plus a presentation from Christine Thompson (Office of Student Compliance), and sometimes a presentation from Pam Davis (Counseling). Last semester, I (Megan) was asked to be on a committee to create a TMS training on addressing disruptive behavior (for sometime in the near future). We decided to combine the three presentations/documents into one in order to have something more cohesive. That being said, I have the first draft, which contains all of the important information, but it is not beautiful (no pictures, etc. ) yet, as we are still working to make sure the content is accurate and organized. Rather than present you with the three presentations, I’m sharing this one, as it has all of the information, but my apologies for the presentation aspect of it being a bit blah. In any case, this presentation will provide you with proactive strategies for preventing and addressing disruptive behavior in the classroom, as well as enhancing classroom management skills. Also, there is important information that covers many aspects of student compliance concerns and when, how, and where to report such occurrences.  Managing Disruptive Behaviors in the Classroom 2022-02-07_TLTT