Inclusion, Universal Design for Learning(UDL) & Accessibility

“Diversity is all about us, and about us having to figure out to walk through this world together.”  ~Jacqueline Woodson

Agenda for ORT 2/10/22

  • Thurs., Feb. 10, 2022 @ 6-7:30pm  JOIN TLTT Week 3 ORT
  • Welcome
  • Guest: Laura Orta, Director, Center for Engaged Inclusion
  • Discussion/ Q & A
  • FlipGrid
  • Next Week

We will spend the next two weeks exploring materials pertaining to the broad topic of Inclusion and ways to make our teaching more inclusive through awareness and planning for learner variability. You may be familiar with some of the information and materials presented this week and if so, fantastic! We know there is likely to be overlap in our CTE courses, as well as in the RISE Institute and other DEI-type activities and events. We believe there is always more to be learned, especially in discussions with various groups.

 As a heads-up, please Create Week 3 FlipGrid video by Monday, Feb. 14 (this gives you a week to put thoughts and/or questions together).

Laura Orta, Director- Center for Engaged Inclusion- will be joining us when we meet on Thurs., Feb. 10, 2022 @ 6-7:30pm   JOIN TLTT Week 3 ORT, to have a conversation with us about making our classrooms more inclusive.


To begin, please review and save or print Personal and Social Identity Wheels_TLTT_2022

We ask that you follow the instructions on these personal and social identity wheels either using your computer or printing. We will not ask you to submit these, but we will be discussing them in class and asking you to share your thoughts to the degree that you are comfortable. There are questions on the 3rd page and we ask that you look over those as they will help us to have a robust class discussion, but we will not be collecting these. 

Implicit/Unconscious Bias

Next, please watch/listen to this 7-minute video about Implicit/Unconscious Bias.

Gender Bias

Now, let’s focus our attention on a recorded interview on Central Michigan University Radio (the transcript and “listen” button are on the web page) Move Beyond Bias with Dr. Wafa Hozien who (in 2017) received the Michigan Education Award for her work in multicultural education.

Macro and Micro Aggressions

We conclude the “awareness” portion of this week’s materials with a video about macro and micro aggressions.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL falls under the umbrella of Inclusion by offering a framework to include ideas for multiple means of engagement, representation, action & expression. It involves planning all course components to be flexible and have options, when possible. Its purpose is to help recognize and remove barriers for all kinds of learner variability (culture, ethnicity, age, gender, gifted, disengaged, and with/without documented disabilities). The idea is to plan for the “edges” and not the middle and to keep in mind that if it helps one student- it will help all students.

Universal Design for Learning is a framework to guide educators in designing learning experiences and environments that remove barriers to meet the needs of variable learners. UDL and Accessibility are not interchangeable terms, but UDL encompasses accessibility by its very nature of inclusive design. The guidelines of UDL, in short, are to provide options in the following areas: Engagement, Representation, and Action & Expression. These guidelines will be covered more thoroughly in this unit. Let’s have a peek into some more details… CTE’s Universal Design for Learning Website


Please note that Accessibility falls under the umbrella of Universal Design for Learning and as you may know, making sure our course materials are accessible to all is of utmost importance. At LCC, it is OUR responsibility to make sure that our course materials are accessible to the best degree that we are able to. If you have joined the LCC community since 2018, then you may not be aware of the college-wide initiative to make sure all course (and office) materials are as accessible as we can make them. For more help and information about creating Accessible materials, go to this site: Making Your Course Materials Accessible opens in new window


For students who need accommodations that are more than you are able to provide, please contact the Center for Student Access. The next video recording offers detailed information about working with students with disabilities- with Andy George and Amanda Preston. It will be useful for you to know what types of accommodations can be offered at LCC to address the needs of the students. Also, you will learn how students can receive accommodations; the requirements and process.


Thurs., Feb. 10, 2022 @ 6-7:30pm   JOIN TLTT Week 3 ORT






1 thought on “Week 3-Inclusion, Universal Design for Learning & Accessibility

  1. Week 4- Course Development – Transforming Learning Through Teaching

    […] courses by planning for learner variability. If you have not already explored the information about Universal Design for Learning, please do that first. To be best prepared for this week’s ORT, please review the hyperlinked […]

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