Before 10/27

  • Review Units 1-6
  • Use pre-diagnostic results + what you’ve learned from units 1-6 & work on action plan
  • Unit 8 Padlet comments for units 4-6 due by 10/27
  • Continue working on your Action Plan
  • Class meets via Webex on 10/27 from 2-3pm JOIN ORT (Required)
  • Please have your course diagnostic rubric on hand as we will be discussing these during class. Also, be prepared to share ideas and questions about your action plan.

Last week, instead of discussion our specific action plan items, we spontaneously dedicated the entire class session to Q & A about creating action plans, what is due, and where/how to submit the action plans and accompanying artifacts/materials. We are really glad it happened that way because it let us know where you are and how to best pace this course. Thank you for your questions and feedback last week. We are looking forward to meeting with you this week!

There are no new materials this week, so please review materials from units 1-6, as well as your course diagnostic rubric. Please begin working on your Action Plan.  Our ORT session will focus on sharing and discussing these materials and how they guide your action plan.

2 thoughts on “Unit 8: Action Plan

  1. larry lewis

    Oct 27 class; in the breakout rooms we discussed trying to motivate students, issues in having assignnments turned in on time and flexibility. Also issues students have dealing with school and “life issues”.
    The pandemic has changed the world in many ways. From it being imperative that “you need to be there in person” to you can be there virtually.
    Necessity is the mother of invention.
    Lot of times we don’t want to change until life circumstances force us to change.
    Larry Lewis

    1. Alex

      I totally agree, Larry. I never thought just showing up to class was sufficient engagement, anyway, but the forced pandemic “experiment” completely changed how I view engagement!

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