DUE Mon., Oct. 31: Completed Action Plan Form      (125 pts./application)

DUE Thurs., Nov. 2: Post one component of your action plan with its artifact

in this D2L Discussion

Create Your Action Plan

As the culmination of this course, you will create an action plan, based on the needs and goals of your course(s) and/or program for the 3 areas of analysis on the diagnostic rubric (you’ll be asked to write a paragraph for each): 

  • Navigation of course
  • Content
  • Engagement

Your evidence and artifacts for your Action Plan, such as lesson plans, assignment sheets, samples, syllabus revisions, and so on should be submitted in the D2L assignment drop-box. 

You will also need to describe the following:

  • Outcomes & Evaluation: Identify 1 or 2 outcomes for each of the 3 sections and how you will evaluate the success of the outcome(s).
  • Resources needed
  • Timeline for development and implementation
  • Potential challenges to implementation
  • How the interventions will be implemented into your course or program and the expected impact
  • Potential for Replication across Disciplines  (To what extent could other faculty and/or disciplines use this intervention? Brief explanation, please)

 When developing your Action Plan, consider:

  • Discussing the needs and goals of your course(s) with your colleagues
  • Concepts from our PoE course materials that will have meaningful and maximum impact in your course(s)
  • Your course analysis/diagnostic rubric
  • These 3 Goals from LCC’s Equity Action Plan/Let’s Get Working
    • Building for Equity (involves designing inclusive, socially equitable learning environments and work-spaces where everyone can thrive)
    • Confronting Bias while Increasing Cultural Competence (promoting awareness, education, and celebration of difference)
    • Establishing a Sense of Belonging (for students and employees with intentional efforts to promote a climate of belonging where everyone feels welcome, safe and respected)

Use this Action Plan Form, which is a google form- DUE 10/31

You will need to use your LCC email address when completing the form and then a copy will automatically be emailed to you. Also, if you want to make changes after submitting you are able to do that as well.

Submit 1 component of your Action Plan to D2L Discussion DUE 11/2

We have asked you to submit just one component of your Action Plan in this D2L Discussion where it can be viewed by your classmates. During our last class we will discuss these.





3 thoughts on “Assignment 3: Action Plan (Application)

  1. Unit 7: Putting Together the Pieces – Pedagogy of Equity

    […] from units 1-6, as well as your course diagnostic rubric. Please begin thinking about your Action Plan.  Our ORT session will focus on sharing and discussing these materials and how they guide your action […]

  2. Unit 8: Action Plan – Pedagogy of Equity

    […] materials from units 1-6, as well as your course diagnostic rubric. Please begin working on your Action Plan.  Our ORT session will focus on sharing and discussing these materials and how they guide your action […]

  3. Unit 9: Wrapping it up – Pedagogy of Equity

    […] Action Plans were due 10/31-please submit your if you haven’t already. […]

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