DUE THURS. 9/15 (completed chart + summary= 25 pts/application)

Complete the Diagnostic Rubric

Choose the course(s) that you will analyze, then complete the diagnostic rubric.

This Diagnostic Rubric will open in your google docs. Please open it and make a copy of this document by clicking on “File” and them “Make a copy”. It will ask you to name the document, please keep the title and add your name (POE Diagnostic Rubric- Your Name). You will use this diagnostic to analyze your course. Keep in mind there are no right or wrong answers – this rubric is designed to highlight strengths and weaknesses so that a relevant action plan can be developed. Make notes, as necessary, that will help inform your action plan.

  • For faculty approaching (or in) program review – examine courses agreed upon by your program review team
  • For individual faculty not currently in program review – examine one course that you teach of your choice
  • For staff/admin – examine your work environment/office or you may work with a partner to examine a course (please talk to Megan & Lisa for more suggestions and ideas)

Write an accompanying 250-500 Summary

As an accompaniment to your diagnostic, please write a summary describing strengths and weaknesses.

Submit Your Diagnostic and Summary

When you complete the diagnostic/analysis, share your copy (the link from google docs) in this D2L Assignment Dropbox along with 250-500 word summary of strengths & weaknesses by Thursday, Sept. 15

FYI- Program Review Question 7: DEI section

Provide an analysis of your program’s courses in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Please explore the following points:

a) How do your course syllabi incorporate inclusive language and policies?

b) How do your course materials (texts, handouts, videos, test questions, and so on) present a diversity of examples and perspectives? Insert chart.

c) How do you provide equitable access for all students to all required course materials? For example, what is the cost of the text, or is the text an OER? How do the materials meet LCC’s accessibility requirement?

e) How does your program incorporate a variety of assessment methods to address issues related to DEI?

d) How do program marketing materials reflect the diversity of our student population, including non-traditional students, for example, women enrolled in construction classes?

FYI- We Are Working with the Center for Data Science

The CTE has been consulting with the Center for Data Science to measure and gather data about the possible effect of this course on student outcomes. In transparency, we are sharing these ideas about adding assessment to our process:

  • The 23-24 program review cohort starting POE this semester receive course data early in POE (assessment and maybe course success rates too? Disaggregated by race, gender, and delivery modality)
  • They use that data to inform the need (what can/should I adjust in this course to be more DEI focused)
  • They make a pedagogical change (e.g. assignment, assessment, teaching strategy, etc.)
  • Summer 23 (just before the start of their program review cycle and a semester to apply the change) they get the data again
  • They write up the outcomes and interpretation of their experience during program review

At the CTE level, we track this course over time, from the start Fall 22 as our baseline, introduce intervention of POE and the pedagogical change, and then track assessment (learning) and course success rates to reflect the influence of POE on student outcomes. CDS will analyze the data, which will be shared with stakeholders.





3 thoughts on “Assignment 2: Course/Program Diagnostic (Application)

  1. Unit 2, Sept. 8: Universal Design for Learning – Pedagogy of Equity

    […] the Program/Course diagnostic with 250-500 word summary of strengths & weaknesses due by […]

  2. Unit 7: Putting Together the Pieces – Pedagogy of Equity

    […] are no new materials this week, so please review materials from units 1-6, as well as your course diagnostic rubric. Please begin thinking about your Action Plan.  Our ORT session will focus on sharing and […]

  3. Unit 8: Action Plan – Pedagogy of Equity

    […] are no new materials this week, so please review materials from units 1-6, as well as your course diagnostic rubric. Please begin working on your Action Plan.  Our ORT session will focus on sharing and […]

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